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About how to play in morroc with TKM way, plz read back number lol
So today I introduce variation of morroc party.

1,GK killer
GK, Scholar, HP, HP, String.
We kill all except ghost with LA & GK, and kill ghost with AV.

Gk is required to be rich, bcz he must hit 1 shoot.
For example, Str110, +7 Tri AK Lunakaligo, and SP 1420
(maybe he use Morpheus's set and mistress crown.)

Then, my Scholar cant give 1400 SP lol.

2,HW killer
Tanker, HP, HW, String
We kill like NI.

Problem is how to kill angel.
Angel use magic mirror so HW die soon.
When we put her on IW and attack, she tele, its how to let her escape.

3,Sniper killer
Its popular way in jRO

Tanker, 2 HP, Scholar, GK, String, Sniper(1 or 2)
We kill with FAS.

FAS is range skill so we kill many mob at once.
So Tanker is requierd to be solid.
Surely Alice, magni set, and white barrior tanker need.

4,TKM killer
as we did today.

Which is best way do you think for us?
We have no one shoot GK so 1 is bad.
When HW killer, we cant kill angel so we cant get manuteau, so 2 is bad.
We have no sniper so 3 is bad.

Thats why we tryed with TKM killer.


MVP we can kill with HP/HW duo.

1,Drake in Sunken Ship2
Undead, Undead
we need water armor
after 2 hours

His WB10 hurts a lot

Corsair is good

2,Gopinch in Mosco D 3F (you need quest)
Brute, Earth
we need Fire armor, Green potion and SW.
after 2 hours

slave are shooter so phnema and SW work well.

no good but he has 3 OPB.

3,Egnigem Cenia in Bio2F
Demi-Human, Fire
we need  Fire armor.
after 2 hours

she uses Break Shield so need many cranial.
slave use heal so need to kill them asap.
maybe need one more tanker or killer.

Formal Suit [1] is good.

4,Maya in Ant hell 2F
Insect, Earth
after 2 hour.

Tiara and SR are good.

5,Moonlight Flower in PayonD 5F
Demon, Fire
after 1 hour

Dispell and Magnetic Earth are annoying.
her mammonite hurts alot.

Moonlight Dagger is good.

6,Osiris in Pyramid 4F
Undead, Undead
after 1 hour

Quagmire is annoying.

Crown and Assassin Dagger are good.

7,Phreeoni in Sograt Desert 17, down down right from morroc
Brute, Neutral
after 2 hours

He often hiding so we need to use sight.

Fortune Sword are good.

8,Tao Gunka in Beach Dungeon 1, left from comodo.
Demon, Neutral 3
after 5 hours

he use SP attack so we need SP recovery

nothing good but his card is pretty expensive.

9, Evil Snake Lord in Kunlun D 3F
Brute, Ghost
we need fire armor.
after 1 hour 34 minutes

he uses Dragon Fear, it give us many bad status.
his slave are shooter so phnema and SW works well.

nothing good but he gives us Alice taming item, you wanna maid!!

10,Eddga in Payon Forest 11, bottom bottom left from Payon.
Brute, Fire
we need fire armor.
after 2 hours.

nothing good but he gives us Tiger's Footskin, lets make hat!!

maybe thats all we tried.

golden bug is famous so we cant find.
Other MVPs are high MDEF or dark element,or too strong, so hard for HW to kill.

when we get another tanker or killer, we can do more MVP.

-Private message for john-
today we got
Formal suit[1],
Ygg berry,
Soft Apron,
Treasure box,
Pirate Bandana.

In this event Im always going NI, to get 99/70.
I had duo party with so many tanker HP who have teddy.
Mmm my teddy is not treasure anymore...

Saturday I got Base 99
and Sunday I got Job 70.

complete status.
I dont devote PVP, so INT=DEX>VIT is ok.
its INT 133 equipment with Bress
when I use food, INT 145.

From now on I use HW on ET or Morroc mainly.
and lvling my HP.

0,how to kill?
Watch movie its on last article.
I try to up-load them for youtube but...

1, why we need miracle?
Without miracle, TKM cant attack angel
and with miracle, damage and exp is up

2,When miracle appear and when disappear?
When TKM attacks mob, whenever wherever miracle comes 1/10000 probability.
As you know it very rare, so put 200 talky box and MB.
In this way TKM hit 200 times an second.
(i wish someone who has hunter help me.)

Miracle dissappear when 1 hour pass or TKM goes to other map.
Thats why I cant restart.

3,why we need Union
Without Union I cant hit morroc mobs, especially human.
With Union TKM hit its attack surely
But being Union, HP decreash, plz heal me!!

Union dissappear when 10 minutes pass

4,How to get SP?
When putting merchant set and getting Union, SP doesnt decreash.
When using Union or wind I use SP, but Rideword hat supplys me SP
So dont need to mind about SP.

5,Whats TKM equip?
ro-69.JPGCheck this picture.


ro-70.JPG6,Whats HP equip?
I dont have tanker HP but...its enough.
Using Ifrit for golem, and Using Evil for Angel.
Best shield is Alice but exchanging from hell and satanic is ok.


7,how to tank?
1 on 1 !!
When 2 mob comes, TKM died bcz of Union damage.

For human golem and ghost, dont need special act.
For angel, plz attack when she use GX, otherwise angel attack TKM.

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